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The Oak Park Homelessness Coalition, a multistakeholder group working to end homelessness in Oak Park, has launched a campaign to educate residents, visitors and businesses about the issue of homelessness and the resources available for people in need of assistance.
You're invited to join us at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, May 26th at the Nineteenth Century Club in Oak Park.
Crystal, our Career Passport instructor, writes about T.W., a recent graduate who was hired as a chef after completing a training program.
Some of our clients stay with us for extended periods as they work through their barriers to stability. Others just need a brief hand up as they regain traction in their lives. Ray is in the second group.
On Friday, May 1st, we will be holding an open house at our offices in Maywood to give everyone an update on the programs and services that comprise our solution to homelessness, a tour of our expanded office space, and to unveil our new name and logo.