Cynthia was already having a challenging year. Her arthritis pain had become so unbearable that she had to stop working full time as a nanny to undergo a total knee replacement. The surgery went well, but as she was recovering in her Northlake apartment, a fire broke out and after that, her life totally changed. Although family members welcomed her temporarily, there were often too many stairs to climb, and it was challenging. She began moving from place to place—becoming more and more depressed. After reaching out to the Red Cross, she was referred to Housing Forward.
Our Outreach & Diversion team saw immediately that Cynthia’s living situation was very unstable. More health challenges, including diabetes and the need for a second surgery made her a fit for a medical respite unit at Sojourner House.
Now healing after her second surgery, she is supported by her case manager, has medical team visits, and access to healthy food. “The people here are amazing,” she says. “They help when I need it, and if I ever start to feel down, they are here to look in on me.”
Cynthia is looking for her own place—hopefully on the first floor. She wants to tell her story to help others who might find themselves in a housing crisis. “This is a new chapter for me,” she says, “but I really don’t know what my living situation would be if the staff hadn’t gone to bat for me. I’m so blessed to be part of this program.”
"I really don’t know what my living situation would be if the staff hadn’t gone to bat for me. I’m so blessed to be part of this program.”