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Housing Forward Client and Children


The best approach to ending homelessness is to prevent it before it begins. Our prevention services help individuals and families avoid the trauma of eviction by assisting with rent, utilities, and other needs.

Housing Forward Client Receiving Assistance

Emergency Assistance

This program provides financial assistance to help address housing crisis and avert the trauma of losing one’s home. Working with individuals and families, our staff determines how to best resolve the crisis and establish housing stability. Assistance can include a wide range of needs, such as bus passes, covering past-due utility bills, and helping to pay rent, mortgage, and security deposits. 

Households with an unexpected emergency situation or demonstrated economic hardship can complete an application through our Emergency Assistance program, the following documentation will be needed:

  • Identification, such as a driver license or state ID
  • Proof of income, such as pay stubs, social security or link card awards or unemployment benefits
  • Documentation of financial need such as a five-day notice and copy of a lease, or a utility shut off notice and bill with past due amounts
Case manager with client

Diversion Services

Diversion services help individuals and families who are facing homelessness to avoid emergency shelters or living on the street. This program provides immediate case management and support to help households rely on their existing strengths and support network. Through interactive problem-solving, our staff seeks to understand the cause of the housing crisis and explore solutions that avoid the homelessness system.