Wraparound services are designed to provide comprehensive, personalized supports and resources so that individuals and families are able to address the complex issues and challenges that often accompany homelessness and can interfere with obtaining long-term housing stability.

Wraparound Services
The Wraparound Team collaborates with case managers to provide clients with specialized services and a continuity of care across program areas from a client's initial entry and until a permanent destination is found. This interdisciplinary team strengthens the agency's service integration model in the areas of health and behavioral health, employment and income supports, and other critical needs of clients. Professional volunteers from partner organizations supplement the skills of the Wraparound Services Team.
Behavioral Health Services provide support for mental and behavioral health needs through referrals, counseling services, psychosocial education, and advocacy for clients throughout all Housing Forward programs. This service also provides behavioral health consultation for other program staff in the agency.
Employment Services engages and equips clients in breaking the cycle of unemployment and establishing reliable income. Clients build soft skills, receive career coaching, and job search strategies. Traditional wages and on-the-job skill development are available to eligible clients enrolled in our Workforce Development Program.
Family Support Services supports the unique needs of families with minor children to guide them in the transition from crisis to housing stability as quickly as possible. A family-centered approach helps them navigate the maze of school, government, and social services which are important steps to strengthening the family's support system.
Financial Literacy and Budgeting Counseling is provided to current clients and community members to help them gain understanding of how to develop a household budget, credit history, choosing a financial institution and long-term saving.
Legal Clinic in partnership with Greater Chicago Legal Clinic, we provide pro-bono legal services to support clients in resolving problems such as evictions, criminal records expungement, immigration status, disability benefits, family law, and other issues.
Medical Clinic empowers clients to take care of their health and well-being and build a personal healthcare routine. Resident physicians from Loyola University's Stritch School of Medicine, our staff community health nurse, and a volunteer nurse perform health assessments, offer health education, and provide basic care weekly at our Interim Housing Program.