Imagine moving to a new apartment when everything you own fits in several grocery bags. That is the experience of many of those we’re serving through the Hotel-to-Home Initiative. Since each Hotel-to-Home Kit has a story, we’re sharing how one kit came into being.
When brothers Joe and Anthony Shaker, of Shaker Recruitment Marketing, told their Lake Street neighbor Veronica Ciobotaru, owner of Delia’s Kitchen, that they wanted to help those affected by COVID-19...
This past holiday season, shoppers at Ten Thousand Villages in Oak Park doubled their giving. By supported artisans in more than 35 developing countries earn a fair wage for their handicrafts, they also supported our cause and clients when Housing Forward received 15% of sales.
Andrew had been homeless for more than three years before he became the first resident at Sojourner House. His 72 year life story includes many ‘ups’ and ‘downs', from a business running antique shows...
Nathan Gallagher is an Oak Parker, a student at Oak Park and River Forest High School and since 6th grade, a member of Boy Scout Troop 4002—usually referred to as “Troop 2” locally.
Currently, under development and due to open this spring, Sojourner House is a partnership of Housing Forward and the Oak Park Housing Authority. Located on the property at 324 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park, there are two residential buildings on the property.
In case you missed its premiere, here is a link to the full video screened at the Have-a-Heart Gala. Many thanks to our client, her family, her Housing Forward support team, our agency partners in...
In 2011 Linda was I was living on the third floor of a three flat in Cicero that was owned by the mother of her boyfriend. His mother didn’t know she was living there and didn’t approve of them dating. Linda had to be very careful when coming and going and moving through the house. She learned the homeowner’s daily routines and managed to stay out of her way for over 2 years. She often did the cooking and cleaning for all three of them, but in secret.
Have you ever encountered someone on the street who you feel needs help? Did you wonder if one person can really make a difference? Do you ever imagine people from different organizations truly able to connect someone in crisis with the help they need?
On Nov. 2, 1998 Lynda Schueler began working at Tri-Village PADS (now Housing Forward) as manager of Volunteer Services. She joined six other employees working in two rooms of a church basement in Maywood. Much of the work in those days was done by a small, hardy band of volunteers and a determined board of trustees (most often the same people) concerned about a growing population experiencing homelessness in the area. Nothing has been the same around here ever since.