Upcoming Volunteer Shelter Training Dates: 10/5/2019 Sat 10-11:30 AM 10/16/2019 Weds 7-8:30 PM 11/2/2019 Sat 10-11:30 AM 11/13/2019 Weds 7-8:30 PM 12/7/2019 Sat 10-11:30 AM 12/18/2019 Weds 7-8:30 PM 1...
New Volunteer Shelter orientation, Saturday, January 5th 10am – 11:30am New Volunteer Shelter orientation, Thursday, January 17th 7pm - 8:30pm Click on the link to register for trainings today. https...
Housing Forward is looking for dynamic individuals who are willing to help transform their community! AmeriCorps programs do more than move communities forward; they provide pathways to opportunity...
Beginning of Season Site Captain Meeting Calling all Shelter Site Captains and Coordinators! Please mark your calendars for our beginning of season Site Captain meeting scheduled for Wednesday...
Beginning of Season Site Captain Meeting Calling all Shelter Site Captains and Coordinators! Please mark your calendars for our beginning of season Site Captain Meeting scheduled for Wednesday...
Site Captain Meeting Housing forward will be hosting an end of year shelter site captain meeting Wednesday, June 28th. The meeting will reflect upon shelter season statistics, recruitment strategies...
We are still collecting Volunteer Satisfaction Surveys until the end of this month. If you haven’t already done so please take the time to share your thoughts and experiences. Your input is very...
Please join us as we honor all of our volunteers at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Program Thursday, May 25th. The dinner will be held at the 19th Century Club, 178 Forest Ave, Oak Park...
Last night of PADS Shelter Please note that the last night of Emergency Shelter will be Thursday, May 11th at First United Methodist Church. Sign In It is important that all volunteers remember to...
It is important that all volunteers remember to sign for each shift, this includes food providers. As we rely on funding for our programs, it is imperative that we obtain an accurate number of volunteer hours as well as in-kind support. This small gesture really...
We’d like to congratulate staff on their new roles, say good-bye to those that have completed their AmeriCorps member terms and introduce you to our interns who will be working with some of you in the PADS Shelter as well as Housing Forward's Support Center...