A Big Thank You to all who made the Emergency Warming Center Possible

During the recent bitter cold 18 unsheltered individuals had a place to stay, three meals, and for those who wished—a chance to meet with a case manager. This was possible because many caring people helped set up, staff and provide what was needed in the space. A team of ten volunteers helped set up the center and forty volunteers provided coverage, along with staff members, and/or meals. Close to 145 hours of service were donated.
According to Armando Smith, Housing Forward's Chief Program Officer, a majority of those who used the shelter moved on to other emergency shelters, were referred to transitional housing, or were reunited with families and friends. Our agency wants to express gratitude to all those who contributed to the effort—especially our partners at The Oak Park Homelessness Coalition, the Oak Park Residence Corporation and our hosts at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The care and support this community shows for its most vulnerable has been inspiring.
Photos: Special thanks to everyone who donated time, clothes, games and food, including Paul Clark, who stocked the fridge with homemade meals during the recent heavy snow and cold snap.
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211