Give the Gift of HOME this Holiday Season
What does HOME feel like? After living in "doubled-up" situations and shelters, Davitta's family moved into their new home today. Davitta's son is excited to show off his room and happy to talk about the superhero posters he plans to hang up. He's proud to show off the fact that his older sisters have a room too.
How does it feel here? "I like it. It feels good."
By supporting our work with a financial donation at year's end, you can help ensure that the safety net remains intact for the most vulnerable members of our community.
Housing Forward’s mission is to transition people from housing crisis to housing stability. Our vision is to end homelessness. Learn more at www.housingforward.org. Thank you for supporting our work this year.
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211