Household Cleaning and Toiletry Products Needed
We housed so many individuals this summer that our supply of household cleaning products and toiletries is extremely depleted. With several more clients expected to move into housing in the coming weeks, we are in need of products to resupply our inventory. We are also anticipating an influx of clients when the weather turns consistently cold, exacerbating the need. Donating these items is one of the simplest, most direct ways to help our clients. If you are interested in providing the items listed below, please call the Support Center at 708.338.1724, ext. 239 to arrange a drop-off time. Thanks for your help!
Travel-size bottles of:
- Lotion
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Deodorant
- Q-tips
- Double-edged razors
- Foot powder
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste,
- Dental floss
Household Cleaning Supplies:
- Window cleaner
- Soft scrub
- Bathroom cleaner
- Non-bleach floor cleaner (e.g. Pinesol, Lysol)
- Bleach and rags
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211