Spotlight on Volunteer Groups

This month Housing Forward is spotlighting one of the groups that provides a meal during our Summer Transitional Shelter program. This group is composed of 6 family members that have served dinner for the past 3 summers. Pictured from left to right is Michelle Ptack, Marge Kozak, Donna Logisz, Elizabeth Martin and Cathy Sajn. Pat Kardasz is also a member of the summer meals group but is not seen here.
The group heard about Housing Forward through one of their group members, Michelle Ptack, who is also a former employee. Members of this group enjoy volunteering because they are able to interact with the clients, which provides some practical and uplifting perspectives on life. They love giving of their time, sharing their skills and hearing the client’s stories. They also enjoy providing a good meal and sitting down to converse with the people in need.
One fun fact about this group is that the team includes two mother/daughter pairings. Michelle and Marge, and Donna and Cathy. Another interesting note is that Marge and Elizabeth are sisters. These families enjoy spending time doing service together. They believe that volunteering is an uplifting experience beyond measure, giving them more than they can ever give in return.
Some of the groups favorite quotes that help to inspire them are lives: “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa and “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandhi.
Housing Forward is proud to recognize this summer meals group as they are outstanding volunteers and embody family volunteering. Volunteering not only strengthened this family, but also the community in which they serve. As these women give their time and energy in Housing Forward’s Summer Transitional Program, they inevitably act as change agents in their community by helping to forward our mission. Thank you!
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211