This is Jennifer. She loves her job.
Jennifer is a Housing Forward Street Outreach Specialist
She spends her workdays in police stations, coffee shops, hospital emergency rooms, parks, libraries, and parking lots.
As a member of the Housing Forward Outreach Team, Jennifer is trained to seek out those who are unsheltered and connect them with resources, basic aid, and a sympathetic ear.
Delivering resource cards in Berwyn and basic necessities to a client in Cicero.
“There are many reasons someone might not ask for help when they need it most,” she says. “Often it has to do with fear, disability, and distrust.”
Jennifer is someone people trust.
Recent data indicates an increasing number of people are not accessing shelters. Often, the hardest people to find need the greatest amount of assistance.
A gift to our Winter Appeal by Dec. 31st supports Jennifer's work -- and ours -- to end homelessness.
By clicking here you can help us reach more unsheltered people in 2020.
Opportunity for Year-End Tax Deduction: Donate appreciated assets (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs) and get a tax deduction for your gift. For your convenience, Housing Forward has a brokerage account to accept Depository Trust Company transfers of securities. Contact Gregory Bork at LPL Financial (312.967.4000 or gregory@RIGChicago.com). Account #1897-8327. DTC#0075. Housing Forward is an Illinois non-profit organization qualified under 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. FEIN #36-387660. Thank you.
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211