Meet Brandon

Meet Brandon. He was homeless for 12 years, bouncing from shelter to shelter, couch to couch. Brandon struggles with a myriad of health issues, and he is legally blind, which makes it very hard to get — and keep — a job. You may have seen him around town washing windows when the weather allows. Our Outreach & Engagement team met him living on the streets. It took some time for them to gain Brandon’s trust, so they could begin the process of understanding and resolving his needs. They quickly discovered that he ranked high on the “vulnerability index,” which prioritizes homeless persons for housing + services based on the fragility of their health.
Brandon was the ideal candidate for PADS’ new Open Door Housing program. The Outreach team passed the baton to PADS’ Housing case managers, who worked with Brandon on his application and acceptance into this program.
Six months after his first meeting with the PADS team, Brandon has housing, health insurance and a self-sufficiency plan. Brandon’s future looks brighter than it has for a long time. This is how we solve homelessness.
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211