Years of research and countless studies have repeatedly shown that discrimination threatens not only access to housing but the stability of communities. Members of the LGBT community are more likely to become homeless, and once homeless, more likely to endure discrimination and harassment that extends their homelessness. HUD and other Federal partners, including the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), support a national focus on preventing and ending homelessness among LGBT youth and ending all forms of discrimination against all members of the LGBT community in housing and shelter.
Housing Forward will be participating in a series of trainings addressing this issue and plans to implement updated supportive shelter policies. Later in the year there will be training to aid volunteers in increasing their knowledge and skills in using appropriate, inclusive language and behavior with all clients they serve. For additional information or questions please contact Etta Martinl,, 708.338.1724 ext.220
Message from PDAS Harriet Tregoning on the new Final Rule
We are grateful to our regular shelter volunteer shelter teams and host sites for welcoming clients for extra time during the holidays. We will have staff on duty but appreciate greatly extra...
We truly appreciate the support of our community, but because our storage space is limited and we do not have the staff to sort and process large donations, we have updated our acceptance policy.