Volunteers needed for summer transitional shelter program.

Our Summer Transitional Shelter program is well underway and we are in need of meal providers. Please consider signing up to provide or prepare a meal. The Summer Transitional Shelter program is an opportunity for individuals and families experiencing homelessness to continue to benefit from the aid of Housing Forward case workers and other services throughout the summer months. To get more information please contact Tonisha Daniel at tdaniel@housingforward.org.
Available dates for the following shelter sites are listed below. Click on the links to sign up!
St. Giles 07/9 – 07/22
St. Paul Thai Lutheran 07/23 – 07/29
Oak Park Temple 07/30 – 08/12
First United Church of Oak Park 08/13 – 09/03
Are you an active volunteer with Housing Forward? Be sure to join our Housing Forward Volunteers Group. This group is a chance to stay up to date on volunteer alerts, get great ideas about volunteering with Housing Forward and get to know on another as part of our volunteer community. Click here to join!
For Media Inquiries Contact
Libby Foster
708.338.1724 ext 211