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Duotone photograph shows a man sitting on a park bench and smiling.
I read an article in the March 14th issue of Time Magazine the other day by Josh Sanburn titled “The radically simple solution to homelessness.” In the article he said that for many years the thinking...
Please call or email your state representative to let them know that we need their support for HB 4955 to effectively transition people out of homelessness.
The Empty Bowls Community Dinner, benefiting Housing Forward, will take place on Friday, February 26th from 6 pm to 8 pm at OPRF High School.
With the 2016 Have-a-Heart Gala in the books, we'd like to thank everyone who attended, and all of the sponsors who made the event possible.
Hazel, a victim of domestic violence, was recently connected with safe, stable housing while she recovers from a chronic illness.
You can now print your own referral card with local resources for people in need of assistance.
Lincoln Elementary School's 5th grade classes recently donated more than $1,000 to Housing Forward.